Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 1

The materials have arrived! Because of the constraints of my time schedule (and let's be honest, my skill level), I have commissioned a pre-made, pre-prayed, and pre-gessoed board. Now, this does take away from the experience a little, however, once I tell you what is involved-- you'll see why this option just sounds loads better!

This seems like a good time to talk about the preparation of an icon board.
So...What's in a board?

Prayer. Throughout this entire process, there is prayer. You'll see if often, and I'll note it when I know it is separated from the prayers "as you work." In some Iconography circles, there are certain prayers for certain steps. However, prayer being an integral part of the relationship between God and humanity, the simple prayers, unscripted, unceasingly, are present throughout the entire process.

Boards can be from different kinds of wood, but it seems that poplar is most popular (and easy to remember!). The grain of the wood is vertical, with the understanding that this icon will be an open line to heaven. The length and width of the board represent the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge, respectively. This helps us begin the entire process with the image of Paradise.


And as we know, Paradise was given separation from humanity, so then, the board illustrates this through the 'covcheg', or the indentation that gives the border, a symbol of the Arc of the Covenant.


The wood is sealed and covered with linen, a definite symbol of the shroud of Christ. This also prevents the wood from cracking and ruining the image over time.


The final step(s) is the gessoing of the board. This is the most lengthy. Gesso is a primer for egg tempera paint made out of marble dust, chalk, Rabbit-Skin glue. Yes, folks, and Rabbit-skin glue. (This is not the gesso that you can buy at Hobby Lobby.) The gessoing process is very much a symbolic "non-act", as is displayed in the silence and void of the world before creation. It will take at least ten coats of gesso before the icon is ready. The board needs to dry and be sanded before continuation.


So, this is what I have, as pictured above. My icon board has gone through this whole process, and I have also prayed through it, as well. I invite you to pray with me through this process, too! My most earnest prayer in this first step is that echoing of John 1:1. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The acknowledgment of the before, the existence of the Trinity pre-exists and will continue on, both through, and in, and despite the covenant people of Israel.

May we dwell in your truth as Father, Son, and Spirit, acknowledging that any act we partake in is an act unto and because of you. We create because you first created. We understand image because of the image you formed us into, but also the image you bear through Christ. Be with us as we carry and be transformed through this image. And by the power of your Spirit, that is living in us, may we reflect you in all we think, say, and do. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen.

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